Vintage Knitting, Retro Dressmaking, Make do and Mend, Original and Vintage Inspired Knitting Patterns, Vintage Inspired books

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Knitting on a hill in Monkley Ghyll - and the visit of a close friend

The weeks since Christmas are already flying past. The to do list is apparently lengthening by the day but I was fortunate to have a couple of days grace when my good friend, designer extraordinaire Helene Magnusson arrived for a long awaited visit. Helene and I have been friends for several years and yet neither of us had visited each others homes before, so this was a big occasion and a delight to spend 'quality' time with a friend.

Helene has written a beautiful blog post about her visit to the farm which says far better than I can about what a lovely few days we had. Suffice to say however that no visit to the farm is complete without a bracing walk across the fields. We were very lucky to have one clear, bright, beautiful day amidst the horizontal rain and gale force winds, and so we set off on our walk. Pausing for a few minutes to survey the view, Helene took the opportunity to knit on the hill at Monkley Ghyll which gave me the additional opportunity to take this photo of her.

Helene is wearing her stunning Icelandic Spring Shawl knitted in her own Gryla yarn which attracted attention where ever we went and was particular admired by 'Cuddles' the friendliest of all our Zwarbles sheep -

This is possibly the best sheep picture ever!

I have so much more to share about Helene's visit including incredible food, the Chanel to Westwood knitwear exhibition, Helene modelling my knits and three amazing books brought from Iceland by Helene, but for now I'm going to re-read Helene's post and appreciate what a wonderful place I live in.

for now,
Susan xx


Susan said...

I am CRACKING UP over that sheep picture!!

Josie-Mary said...

Great photo :)

Eskimimi Makes said...

These are both awesome pictures. I love the brightness of the fresh, open air knitting, and who would not love to re-cloathe a sheep in wool? Or give it a little extra at least.

'Ghyll' was the only answer in a Crossword that my partner and I did not get, yesterday. i had never heard this term and now your blog post has lodged in in my mind for all future word puzzles.

Just call me Ruby said...

Ooh what was the clue in your crossword? The spelling of ghyll has also ben modernised to gill which is seen far more frequently than ghyll so quite a sneaky trick by the crossword compiler!